Israel, Women’s Sports et al

Happy Easter to all our Christian friends! After a successful first quarter of lobbying and winning House passage of legislation protecting women’s sports and stopping late term abortions, we took off for Holy Week…and a bit of March Madness. As a special note for our Jewish friends, I ended up talking with Jon Scheyer, known as “the Jewish Jordan” when he spurned offers to leave Illinois to instead lead the only all-Jewish high school basketball state champions. I ran a great quote from him on this CBS Sports247 story, and said on this TV show that he edged out Anthony Davis to finish first on this list of the top 125 college players of the century. But back to the Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition …

We Need Your Input after The Hill and Newsweek Covered Our Efforts

You have all read my past pieces in the Hill (e.g., Defending the Electoral College) and Newsweek (e.g., The ‘War on Christmas’ Is Real). This weekend these two mainstream outlets ran must-read pieces by Tim Head, who runs our national 501c4 organization, the Faith & Freedom Coalition, for whom I lobby as well:

Biden is losing Michigan, so he’s throwing Israel under the bus, by Tim Head in The Hill

Pro-Abortion Men Should Not Dictate Abortions, by Tim Head in Newsweek

While we both also write for conservative publications, I do want to compliment both Newsweek and the Hill for being the two mainstream, traditional outlets that truly do try to be a balanced source. This is why AllSides ranks both Newsweek and the Hill as close to right-down-the-middle as possible with only a very slight tilt to the left. We believe that is why both outlets are growing so rapidly–note that the Newsweek audience has been doubling each year to be by far the fastest growing of the top 20 news outlets.

Please read these pieces, as well as the updates on regarding the successful lobbying efforts in Q1 to protect women’s sports and other issues. Then email back, sign up on the web page to support, call 414-207-4382, or look out for our call to help guide the issues we get in the comparison pieces, and let us know if you can support our efforts.

Here is our 2024 timeline:

Q1 – Lobby and win media coverage on top issues. (✅Successful)

Q2 – Get input from conservatives to prioritize issues and find supporters.

Q3 – Hire and train door-to-door canvassers, putting the best in the field to canvass hundreds of thousands of doors to educate faith-based voters on the issues selected in Q2. Our recruiting and training is essential to be effective.

Q4 – Knock on doors and get voters to the polls through Election Day on November 5, then spend the rest of the year building a database based on all information collected at the doors.

If you’re wondering why our Q3 training and vetting process is so crucial, just take a look at the recent disastrous–and failed–effort to recall Robin Vos in Wisconsin orchestrated by another group. Fake canvassing and alleged fraud on this campaign included the claim that local residents were spearheading the effort–despite more than 80 percent of their canvassers being paid out-of-state operatives (see the left-wing post by one canvasser on the linked site). Not only were the canvassers imports of questionable backgrounds, they were paid per name on their sheets. Is it surprising to see signatures one after another with identical  handwriting? In another case a canvasser tried to get paid for including the name “Robin Vos”–as though he himself signed the sheet asking for a vote on his own recall!

Now is the time we need your help! Thank you for your feedback and support.