Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and a slew of leaders from across our country helped kick off the Faith and Freedom God and Country Breakfast in Milwaukee, WI hosted by our affiliated national 501c4. We look forward to also quoting Democrats from their convention just to the south in Chicago August 19 to 22 as part of voter education.
I am hitting post on this as I enter the FiServ Forum for the 57th time—not to watch a Marquette basketball game, but to attend President Trump’s acceptance speech. The day began at 4:10 a.m. when I started greeting the first of hundreds of guests I had invited to hear Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance, Governor Glenn Youngkin from my native Virginia, and U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from my current home state of Wisconsin speak.
Vance kicked off the Faith and Freedom God and Country Breakfast to a capacity crowd of 550 in the main ballroom a few blocks from FiServ and 1,000 filling the entire floor of Milwaukee’s famous Pfister Hotel. Also present was Joel Pollak, a former colleague from my days as a Breitbart editor and one of the leading Jewish reporters in conservative media.
For the Fox News broadcast of Vance’s speech, click here or on the image above.

Earlier today, Door-to-Door Canvassing Director Alex Cucchiaro and President John Pudner greeted hundreds they had invited to the event, starting bright and early at 4 a.m., as attendees began to arrive just 10 minutes later. Faith and Freedom aimed to highlight notable leaders from across our Republic and their important stories about their faith in Christ, and how it has influenced their lives and guided their decisions as political leaders.
Pictured above is JD Vance leaving after his remarks at the Faith and Freedom event as Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin prepared to take the stage with John Pudner and others in the background.
To watch VP-nominee Vance’s remarks from the breakfast, please click here.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been one of the most upfront and vocal Congressmen about his devotion and faith in Christ, later recounted his first conversations after former President Trump’s attempted assassination last Saturday, as well as the harrowing story of the near-drowning of his two sons. Both events, despite their dire circumstances, showcased the divine providence that occurs in our daily lives and the real importance of a devoted relationship with the Lord.
However, the most poignant speech of the breakfast for our Wisconsin Faith and Freedom members might have been from Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, who focused his remarks on not only why a relationship with Christ is important and the consequential stakes of this election, but underpinned the vital importance of grassroots Christians getting involved, noting:
“There is now a call on all of us – to go do the work. The call for all of us is to not just walk away from this amazing convention…elections have to be won. We must knock doors, and make phone calls, and plant signs, and have those hard conversations where we discuss with a friend why they must vote for Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance.”
The God and Country Breakfast also follows an eventful week for both Wisconsin Faith and Freedom and its national counterparts. This includes Pollak’s exclusive Breitbart interview with Tim Head, national Faith and Freedom President, who discusses the need for grassroots Christians and people of faith to get involved in their communities this fall, especially in crucial battleground states like Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Faith and Freedom will soon begin distributing hundreds of thousands of pieces of literature to homes and churches to provide positions of multiple candidates and encourage voters of faith to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice. The start date has been delayed due to uncertainty about whether Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee or if another Democrat and their positions will be presented for comparison.