Pudner Highlights Voter Engagement, Emphasizes Unity in Grassroots Speech

While the busy election season in battleground Wisconsin continues on and team members across the state work on separate projects, President John Pudner took a break from the field and traveled to speak at five events the past few days that drew hundreds of Wisconsinites on the latest in-the-field developments and the importance of getting involved in your community, especially in a state where the thinnest of margins determine consequential elections.

At just one of the five speeches in the past several days, attendees left with thousands of pieces of the lit pictured at the bottom of this blog in order to take them to 19 different churches. We had a similar reaction to the speeches in the Northwest, Northeast, Central and two Southeast speeches in Wisconsin. You can help by clicking here to help fund this lit and distribution or click here to become a paid door-to-door canvasser.

One clue on one of the exact location is the fake snow ball pictured on the table in front of where Pudner spoke to 100 at a corn roast. No matter what the temperature, if you feel a styrofoam snowball hit you before you start speaking, it likely means an elected official name Shirley Kaufman is in the room. You can click here to learn the county.

The biggest factor this November 5th will be how many of the 220,000 people who attend conservative churches but did not vote in 2020 in an election decided by 20,000 votes show up this time. The proven most effective method for getting 20% (40,000) of them to the polls is those voters receiving a piece of the lit pictured below both at their door and at their church. 

Meeting with grassroots activists, Pudner emphasized the imperative need for involvement in every corner of Wisconsin, how every door knocked and call made can make a major impact where statewide elections were determined by just 20,000 votes in 2022. More than anything else, however, Pudner championed unity, highlighting how getting involved in advocating for sound leadership for every office, from your local School Board to the Presidency, is not only vital to turn the tide toward common sense, but also to unify under a shared purpose of community advancement, and bringing real, meaningful, and lasting change in Wisconsin.

He will also be the Fox News Radio national guest on September 20 and October 1 as more and more national focus is placed on Wisconsin after Nate Silver’s model showed Wisconsin tipping slightly toward Trump to take him from 268 to 278 electors – just past the 270 needed to win.