3rd Generation Canvasser, 12,000-person Church by Spanish Restaurant, Canvassing Champ

Please see our photos and highlights below of a few of the incredible 45 paid canvassers and countless volunteers who have helped us put candidate comparisons in the hands of hundreds of thousands of conservative churchgoers who otherwise might not have voted—despite not receiving a single six- or even five-figure check to fund their great efforts.

For all of you who donated $15, $25, or $50 (or a bit more) and thought it was just a drop in the bucket, let us reassure you with Obi-Wan Kenobi’s words to Luke Skywalker when he received only a few coins for his cruiser to fund his effort to destroy the Star Wars Empire: “It will be enough.”

Our top two donors outside the Board and National Faith & Freedom were two $5,000 donors who unnecessarily apologized for not giving more—believe me, those donations were manna from Heaven at crucial moments!

Yes, by all means, please donate today if you have not already done so. We feel terrible that we had to inform dozens of potentially great canvassers that we had no more budget for additional hires, and even worse that there are still a couple of hundred thousand more conservative churchgoers who may not vote because they will not receive our literature. However, we remain optimistic about the hundreds of thousands who are getting our materials and are much more likely to vote this year.

This post highlights just a few of the key teams getting literature to churchgoers at their homes or at churches—including the Spanish-language materials pictured in the parking lot between a church with 12,000 parishioners (one of the largest Catholic churches in the U.S.) and the nearby Mexican restaurant. Every dollar donated helps distribute literature to several voters.

While the 45 paid canvassers and the hundreds of volunteers they direct aim to break the past record of 425 Wisconsin churches distributing Faith and Freedom literature, we will share examples of efforts from the Regional Directors of three crucial areas.

Top Statewide Target Region - Green Bay Director Wendy Johnson

Wendy Johnson’s Northeast teams reached thousands of doors throughout the Green Bay region and recruited volunteers from several surrounding counties. The family operation, originally started by Randy Johnson (the one in the orange shirt this weekend, who began regional canvassing operations decades ago), provided a turn-key model with family members meeting this weekend to review the progress of each of their teams of many more volunteers. It looks like they will be reaching conservative voters for decades to come, with the next generation already learning the trade as a volunteer apprentice, including a grandson who is helping!

One of the 425 churches receiving our literature is Pastor Outreach Luke Farwell’s First United Presbyterian Church in DePere, which will host one of our great allies in the fight against men in women’s sports, locker rooms, and prisons—Faith Wins—with their guest David Barton. See the invite above to sign up.

Top Congressional Targets - CD1 Spencer LaVerde & CD3 Josh Naponiello

While 43 of our 45 paid canvassers are Wisconsinites, we brought in two Deputy Regional Directors to assist our Directors overseeing the two very competitive Congressional District races in the state.

La Crosse-based Josh Naponiello, a former State Republican Party field director in the western part of Wisconsin, teamed up with Deputy Director Juan Luckey from just across the Minnesota line to oversee a team distributing tens of thousands of candidate comparisons to voters throughout the sprawling 3rd Congressional District, which changed hands two years ago. Juan is used to having his hand raised after winning a boxing match, and in this project took the necklace for most doors reached – perhaps using his training as a boxer to cover ground quickly between homes. He’s super dedicated to get everyone out to vote for this crucial election period. With the same tenacity that earned him respect in the ring, he’s fully committed to getting every last voter out to the polls for this crucial election. His energy, passion, and laser focus make him not just a powerhouse in the sport, but also a force to be reckoned with in this election. No one works harder or believes more in the power of the people’s voice than Juan.

West Allis-based Spencer LaVerde directed the 1st Congressional District in the Southeast of the state, with help from our other visiting canvasser, Alex Cucchiaro, who normally runs Southern efforts. Alex is in the second photo dropping thousands of comparisons in Sheboygan as part of the final 2-day criss cross of the state to ensure lit is available at dozens of pickup spots these last two weeks for any volunteer or church with a chance for distribution by election day beyond our ongoing door-to-door.

Spencer compiled the largest regional teams and had already lined up more than a dozen additional canvassers to cover CD1 in Southeast Wisconsin before we hit our budget cap due to smaller donations.

The Rest of the State Beyond the 3 Targets - More Photos Below

Below are photos from other areas of the state outside those three target areas. We believe in the UPS strategy of everyone, from executives on down, driving a truck to make deliveries for a month—or in our case, going to homes and churches.

Noel Wilkins knocked on thousands of doors before taking over the massive infrastructure required to organize hundreds of volunteers, churches, and 45 paid canvassers on such a small budget.

Teams of canvassers in areas like Tomah hit all the doors they can, then fan out to distribute literature in churches and shops that serve as gathering places in areas where we do not have tens of thousands of doors in walkable neighborhoods.

Our President’s 9-year-old grandson quickly noted at one corner in Oshkosh on Saturday, “Those neighbors are on different teams!” as we took literature to next-door neighbors, one displaying a Trump “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” flag and signs for Eric Hovde, Donald Trump, and Assembly Member Nate Gustafson, a champion of fighting woke causes, while across the street was a neighbor with Tammy Baldwin and Kamala Harris signs.

After finishing in Oshkosh, it was a short drive to one of the largest Catholic churches in the U.S., Holy Family in Fond du Lac, which includes more than 12,000 parishioners with 5,700 families, as shown in the photo below. After Saturday night Mass and Sunday morning Mass, parishioners walk across the parking lot to the El Patron Mexican restaurant—also included in the featured photo along with the church.

This is the largest of the hundreds of churches we visit, along with Elm Grove in Brookfield, WI (one of the 100 largest in the country, averaging 7,000 per service). We remind members of all these churches that 49 percent of those in the pews with them did not initially intend to vote this year, so please share the literature as a discussion starter.

God provided the beautiful Wisconsin weather this year as the leaves changed from Southeast Wisconsin throughout the state. As mentioned earlier our top canvasser was Juan, a boxer, while our top female canvasser was Leah Lawrence, a wrestler and rower, in the first two photos below.

A little like John 21:25, if we added stories from all 45 paid canvassers and the hundreds of volunteers who have enabled us to distribute hundreds of thousands of voter comparisons, we wouldn’t have the space to record them all. However, we still have hundreds of thousands more voters we wish we could reach—so your contribution, large or small, can make a difference in who turns out to decide what Nate Silver predicts will be the closest election in at least the last 20 years.